Mind Wellness
At Just Be Wellness Studio, we believe that a balanced mind leads to a balanced life. We offer personalized sessions for those looking to develop their personal and professional growth. Our services are designed to help you tap into your unique potential, identify and overcome challenges, and embrace your true self. We believe that true transformation is possible when you align your mind, body, and spirit. Contact us today to explore our wide range of mind wellness services and begin your journey to a more fulfilling life.
Kimberley (Kimmie) Halwas

Infinity empowers individuals to recognize their life and work goals in order to successfully design, attain and manage an authentic career path.
Infinity empowers individuals to recognize their life and work goals in order to successfully design, attain and manage an authentic career path, which could involve: “developing” one’s career goals for the first time; “rewiring” one’s career path, planning “retirement renewal” or developing skills for work, employment and career success. I coach individuals to recognize their values, motivations, interests, strengths and options to make confident and informed decisions as to where, how and with whom to invest their energy, time and potential.
Career Development / Career Rewirement
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Development Coaching
Retirement Renewal Coaching
Customized Job Search Skill Development Coaching
Retirement Renewal Planning
Retirement Renewal Planning
Integrating the Art of Play
Rewirement Coaching
Employment Services
Lifework Retention Coaching